Teacher training pedagogy in the 21st century has drastically changed across the world
with a focus on producing a teacher with adequate skills and knowledge in developing and
using online educational resources for effective learning. This exploratory qualitative study
aimed to explore the Bachelor of Science with Education student teachers ’ experiences in
developing multimedia educational resources for online learning. The study specifically
assessed student teachers ’ opinion of their experiences in using online educational
resources and their challenges in developing online educational resources. Interviews were
used to elicit insights from participants to achieve both objectives. Nine participants were
purposively selected from the subjects of specialisation being undertaken. The findings of
the study revealed student-teachers’ enthusiasm, commitment, creativity and innovativeness
in connection with developing online educational resources. The major challenges were
the limited skills among student teachers in creating animated videos and assessment of
online learning activities. The study recommends that institutions of higher learning should
establish a harmonised and comprehensive competence framework and provide adequate
time for skilling student teachers in developing online educational resources in order to
produce a holistic 21st century teacher.
PAGES:106 – 115 |
VIEWS: 521