For all developing countries, the workforce for the future is at the heart of the developmentconundrum. Therefore, preparing this workforce with the right skills and capabilities shouldbe of utmost importance to universities and institutions of higher learning. To understandthe implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) for the future of jobs and to prepareeducation and training institutions to train the required workforce, this study examined thereadiness of graduates from Ugandan institutions of higher learning for work in the 4IR.The study used a cross-sectional research design to investigate the readiness of graduatesfrom Ugandan universities from the perspective of the skills gained from university. Outof 43.75% of the respondents who had heard about the concept of 4IR, most had basic andintermediate knowledge of the technological drivers of 4IR. Furthermore, the results indicatethat, overall, the current university curricula in terms of subject content can be ranked indescending order as partially, poorly, moderately, well and excellently addressing thetechnological drivers of 4IR as opposed to the non-technological drivers, which were rankedin descending order from well addressed, moderately addressed, excellently addressed andpartially addresses to poorly addressed. The findings of the study underscore the urgencyto adapt higher education curricula to align with the demands of the 4IR. Scholarships andgrants for research into the technological and non-technological drivers of 4IR were the moreprominent recommendations, followed by redesigning curricula, industry collaboration andinternships, public-private partnerships, policy development, and continuous professionaldevelopment.
PAGES:69 – 81 |
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